India being a land of diversity is filled with the fragrance of religions. India is known for its festivals and festivals are a pride and treasure of our country. People of different religion, caste, creed celebrate the festival of Diwali with the feeling of brotherhood and love. Diwali or Deepavali (Deepawali) is one among the…

Life Cycle of Desi Cow
Cows are one of the most important domestic animals which are considered to be holy animals, especially in India. Cows benefit humans as well as the environment in many ways. They are the most beneficial domestic animals. They are raised as dairy animals for milk and different dairy goods and as draft animals. Cow dung…

Desi ghee roast dosa recipe
Ask a foodie about South Indian foods and the first thing that clicks to their mind is, “Dosa”! Dosa is famous not only in the south but everywhere around the world. It is light to the stomach and also quick to prepare. It is one of those all time favourite breakfast for many. Dosa had…

Ayurvedic Ghee During Pregnancy
Pregnancy – A start to an incredible journey of a beautiful feeling! According to science, pregnancy is also called gestation. It is a period in which the mother undergoes fertilization and is able to produce one or more offspring. Let us keep these science definitions aside. More of all it is a time period of…

Desi Cow Ghee and Honey
Honey and ghee are the two food substances that are widely used in our diet. In Ayurveda, it is said that two ingredients or compounds with opposite qualities i.e, cold hot and so on, should not be mixed in equal quantities. Ghee has a cooling effect on the body, whereas honey is said to add…

5 Ayurvedic Foods And Remedies To Relieve Headache
The ancient text of Chakra Samhita– the philosophy and logic behind the Indian medicinal system ‘Ayurveda’ places a special significance on the Vedic Science as a comprehensive method to deal with both curative and preventive aspects of various diseases, human anatomy, including the function and malfunction of a human body with respect to the tri-doshas…

A2 Desi Ghee For Diabetes: Use This Elixir For Managing Blood Sugar Level
Diabetic patients have to be wary of their dietary choices, considering their diet may impact their blood sugar levels. For instance, the ‘healthy cooking oils’ that generally promise good health are actually doing more harm than good. So, what’s the best option? Ghee! Although ghee contains a good amount of fat, it has made its…

Desi Cow Ghee for Menopause – Women Health
What is menopause? Menopause is defined as a condition in which the menstrual cycle permanently stops due to the natural depletion of the ovarian oocytes from ageing. For those who are still confused, let me make it simple for you. Menopause is a condition in aged women when they stop getting periods every month and…

Homemade Ghee (Long term Butter Storage)
Homemade ghee or liquid gold is considered food from the Gods. It is a superfood filled with the benefits of health as well as taste. Ghee is one such lip-smacking food supplement that tempts us to take a soupcon more when added with any delicious dish or food in order to enhance its taste and…

Gorgeous Beauty Benefits of Ghee for Skin, Hair and More
Ghee is the clarified butter that is used as a basic ingredient in the kitchen for cooking. It has a special place when it comes to taste and aroma. Did you know desi cow ghee is used as a beneficial agent for the skin, hair and many more? It is also used as a beauty…

5 Reasons Why You Should Have Ghee in Winters
Ghee is something we Indians are used to having with our food for centuries. Our mothers and grandmothers have been pushing us to have Ghee since we were kids. Ghee in a moderate amount is considered healthy for our body and brain. Even after a few contradictions, where ghee is known for its fat and…

How To Use Desi Ghee For Weight Gain
For weight gain, desi ghee advantage is a time-tested formula. A2 ghee contains a considerable amount of fat, making it a potentially powerful remedy for gaining extra weight for underweight people. But, how much desi ghee is good for health? The easy way to gain weight is adding desi ghee to your diet, but it…